Thursday, November 20, 2008

Experiment set up

Using approximately 1/2 cup of coke in each glass, 1 chico was added to one glass and 1 bearhug was added to another.

Slight fizzing.
Taste tested chicos. They have a different texture to the Bearhugs... slightly chewier.


David said...

i see that you have 3 glasses of coke... is one to remain devoid of foreign objects or did you drink it?

bookgirl76 said...

The 3rd is sort of the control... it's left over coke from a previous bottle. It is devoid of foreign matter.. but is probably flat.

Unknown said...

I think you should have a glass of another beverage, say fanta (not lemonade because that is already clear), so that we know it is the caffeine that causes it to go clear and not just any ol' fizzy drink.

PS Don't ya think David is a spunk? LOL

David said...

dont listen to cheryl... she knows not what she says!

bookgirl76 said...

hmm I may have to do the fanta experiment when this one is over... I do have a lot of left over chicos and bearhugs.